The edited book Copula Modelling and its Application addresses the development of the Copula definition in the modelling of rainfall data. The book begins with the construction of new copula families, to add into the list of the existing families that are widely discussed in the literature. The definitions of dependency are illustrated using few approaches and the derivation of copula functions using a mathematical statistical approach is focused. Several applications of the copula model are also demonstrated in this edited book
CHAPTER 1An Introduction to Copula Modelling
CHAPTER 2Construction of Sarmanov-Type Copulae Through R!̈schendorf Method
CHAPTER 3Parametric Versus Non-parametric Approach in Copula Modelling
CHAPTER 4Bivariate Copulas Estimation Using Semiparametric Methods
CHAPTER 5Constructing Copula from a Bivariate Function
CHAPTER 6Effect of Zero Measurements in Bivariate Rainfall Data
CHAPTER 7Skew-t Copula
CHAPTER 8Bivariate Copula Model for Rainfall Data
CHAPTER 9Copula Application in Rainfall Analysis
CHAPTER 10Nonparametric Predictive Inference with Copulas for Bivariate Data