Embark on a profound exploration of biomass's transformative potential through the lens of "Sustainable Innovations in Biomass Transformation to Chemicals, Fuels, and Materials." This comprehensive compilation, divided into ten chapters, serves as a guidepost directing the future trajectory of research and development in lignocellulosic resources. Chapter 1 provides overview of biomass conversion. Chapter 2 unveils the promising realm of biomass-derived alkyl levulinates as biofuel additives, offering insights into their vast potential. Chapters 3 and 4 explore into the intricacies of microwave-assisted pyrolysis and the characteristics of biochar produced through this revolutionary process. Chapter 5 unravels the extraction and application of nanocellulose from biomass. Chapter 6 introduces the synthesis of carboxymethyl cellulose, a product of the OzBiONY process—an innovative biomass pre-treatment. Chapter 7 delves into the detailed transformation of glycerol to olefins. In Chapter 8, unravelling the intricacies of biogas production from palm oil mill effluent and pineapple peel wastes. Chapter 9 emphases on the conversion of agricultural waste for biomaterial development. The final chapter tackles optimization, exploring ozonolysis pre-treatment using response surface methodology and artificial neural networks. This book serves as a guidebook for technologies in biomass pre-treatment and processing strategies, offering insights applicable to lignocellulosic biorefineries. This anthology is more than a book; it's a catalyst for a sustainable future, inviting readers to uncover invaluable content and spark collaborations that will shape the landscape of biomass innovation. Welcome to a journey where knowledge and innovation meet collaboration, and the future of biomass transformation unfolds.
CHAPTER 1Introduction to Biomass Conversion
CHAPTER 2Bio-Based Alkyl Levulinate Derived from Biomass via Thermo-Catalytic Alcoholysis Process
CHAPTER 3Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis as an Advanced Technology for Biochar Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass Conversion
CHAPTER 4Characteristics of Biochar from Microwave Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Shell
CHAPTER 5Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Nanocellulose
CHAPTER 6Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) Production from Empty Fruit Bunch by Ozonolysis Pre-Treatment
CHAPTER 7Catalytic Glycerol Transformation to Value Added Chemicals
CHAPTER 8Co-Digestion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent and Pineapple Peel Wastes for Biogas Production
CHAPTER 9Nanocellulose Derived from Agricultural Waste for Biomaterial Development
CHAPTER 10Lignin Degradation and Total Reducing Sugar Recovery using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network